Saturday, May 28, 2016

How To Find My Facebook ID

Facebook is website crted to connect people and allow them to share information, interests, events and photos. There are many ftures on Facebook that allow for privacy and security. When crting a Facebook account, the system automatically assigns the user an identifiion , known as the Facebook ID.

how to find my facebook id
Every Facebook account is associated with an automatically erated called user ID. You need your ID for example to make a link to your profile page or another page that refers to your account, or to identify yourself outside Facebook, etc. Your ID is unique because nobody else has the same ID, and it is constant because it cannot be changed.

Method 1:Using appliion
• Find out your ID:
• Find out your friends’ IDs:
• Bookmark What is my ID?:
Method 2: Use link
For example username as Charles. we can get these details
“id”: “1070342128″,
“name”: “Charles Alix”,
“first_name”: “Charles”,
“last_name”: “Alix”,
“link”: “”,
“username”: “charles”,
“der”: “male”,
“locale”: “en_US”
Method 3:Simple steps to followLogin to yourfacebookClick on profileRight click on photosOpen any one of the photoGo to the address barit may look like……
the string after ?fbid= is yourfacebookid

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